Embassy Suites Niagara Falls


Fire Safety


Fires, fortunately are rare occurrences. Our hotel is protected by state-of-the-art fire prevention devices and alarm systems. We have a wide range of security measures in place and we ask that you make yourself aware of the emergency procedures and tips listed here to further enhance your safety and security.

• Locate two exits nearest you to your room (at the end of each hallway). Be sure they are unlocked and unblocked. Then count the doors between your room and the exits so you’ll have a reference point if it is smoky or dark.

• When you hear an alarm, ACT; don’t simply investigate.

• If the fire is in your room, get out and close the door behind you, do not go back for your belongings. Find the closest fire alarm (located on each floor) and pull the fire alarm. Once out, report the fire immediately.

• If the fire is not in your room, leave if you can. Go to the nearest fire exit. Crawl if there is smoke, fresher air will be at the floor.

• NEVER USE ELEVATORS DURING A FIRE. They could stop at the fire floor.

• If there is no smoke, grab your key and head to the door, but don’t open it. While your first instinct will be to flee, it’s important that you first feel the door and handle. You’re looking for heat, which will tell you there may be active flames on the other side. If it’s cool to the touch, open the door slowly, but be ready to slam it shut immediately if you see flames. If there is a fire in the corridor, the safest place for you to be may be your room.

• If your door is hot, don’t open it. Your room may be the safest place to be. Seal all cracks with wet towels. Shut off fans and air conditioners. Call the fire department, signal from your window and wait to be rescued.

• Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to protect yourself from inhaling smoke.

• Walk down the nearest stairway and try to remain as calm as you can. Holding the handrail will help. If you encounter a lot of smoke in the stairwell, leave the stairway at the nearest floor and find an alternative route out of the hotel.

• As difficult as it may be, try to stay calm and listen for instruction. Hotel staff members are highly experienced and trained in assisting guests in the unlikely event of emergencies. Your safety is always our greatest concern.

• If you hear the building fire alarm alert signal (slow pulse tone), standby for instruction and prepare to evacuate.

• Smoking is not allowed in any suite. Only cooking and heat producing appliances supplied with the suites are permitted. Any additional heat or cooking sources are strictly prohibited from being in the guest suites.